Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Time to reorder checks?

Looking to order :

  • Computer check stock?
  • Tax Forms?
  • Invoice Stock?
  • And other forms fully compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP?

Try: http://www.microsoftbusinesschecks.com/

Be sure to use Priority code MR4135

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dynamics GP 10.0 Service Pack 1 NOW AVAILABLE

The first service pack for Dynamics GP 10.0 was released on Nov 17, 2007.

If you are considering upgrading to this version and/or service pack, we strongly recommend that you contact your RBS Consultant or CSM for assistance in evaluating whether it is the right time for your business to update Dynamics GP V10 Service Pack 1.

Considerations to make prior to updating your service pack include testing of any software customizations for compatibility and verifying updates for any 3rd party software solutions.

Listed below are fixes included in Dynamics GP v10 SP1 by selected modules.

Analytical Accounting

  • When you assess finance charges in the Receivables Management, Analytical Accounting distributions are not updated.
  • New codes are randomly placed in the budget tree.
  • When entering a recurring, reversing batch that includes assignments for Analytical Accounting, the assignments are not included after the first time the recurring batch is posted.
  • When you mark the Post Cash Receipt deposits automatically in BR option in the Analytical Accounting Options window, the posting of the cash receipt creates a deposit automatically. If you check links for the Financial series, all cash receipts are shown to be deposited again in the Bank Deposit Entry window.
  • The Analytical Accounting link is removed when editing a purchase order line item.
  • Copying a purchase order to a new purchase order doesn't copy Analytical Accounting assignments.
  • If you make Analytical Accounting assignments for purchase orders that have multiple line items in the Analytical Receivings Transaction Entry window, the distribution amounts are rounded incorrectly.
  • An error occurs when you select an account segment in the Account Access to Transaction Dimension Codes window if an account contains letters in a segment.
  • Vendor information is tracked when the Enable Report on Vendor ID option is not marked.
  • Posting a transaction from the Payables Batch Entry window does not update the General Ledger posting date in Analytical Accounting.
  • The Analytical Accounting link is removed when editing a purchase order line item.
  • When you are using Analytical Accounting, the accounts receivable distribution is incorrect when you apply a cash receipt.
  • Access to Analytical Accounting dimensions previously assigned to a user are removed if you select the user and click Save in the User Setup window.
  • If you void a Receivables Management transaction, Analytical Accounting assignments are reversed incorrectly.
  • If you delete a transaction in the Transaction Entry window, dimension codes that were assigned to the previous transaction are removed.
  • Microsoft Excel® documents close when you are running a multilevel query or a distribution query. You won't have access to the document until the query is finished.
  • There are performance issues when importing Analytical Accounting budgets that use 52 periods.
  • An error occurs when you attempt to access SmartList objects in a company database that you have removed Analytical Accounting from.
  • An error occurs if a $0.00 value is assigned to a distribution account when the vendor record is set up to require Analytical Accounting dimension code assignments for default General Ledger accounts.
  • An error occurs when you post a bank transaction in a company that doesn't have Analytical Accounting activated.
  • An unhandled script exception error occurs when matching an invoice to a shipment if both documents use the originating currency, but with different exchange rates.
  • The transaction date isn't saved correctly if you change the date in the Quick Journal Entry window and use the browse button to move to the next record.
  • An error occurs when applying a multicurrency payables transaction.
  • The default Analytical Accounting values do not display if you reuse a document number that was voided on a different document type.
  • An error occurs when you run a distribution query in Analytical Accounting.
  • Analytical Accounting information isn't copied to General Ledger when you post an inventory adjustment.
  • When you are receiving against two or more purchase orders that are using the same vendor and inventory account, Analytical Accounting distributions are being recalculated.
  • An error occurs when you are posting a purchase order return when an account linked to a class assigned to purchase order return has a required dimension.
  • An error occurs when you choose the Financial button in the navigation pane and then choose Analytical Accounts.
  • When receiving against a purchase order, Analytical Accounting distributions are recalculated.
  • An error occurs if you enter a decrease inventory adjustment for an inventoried item that has more than one decimal place and then view the distribution accounts after making Analytical Accounting assignments.
  • Changing a user's password removes access to Analytical Accounting codes.
  • A warning message should appear when the number of fiscal periods is changed.
  • An unhandled script exception error occurs when you change the exchange rate in the Payables Batch Entry window.
  • Analytical Accounting information isn't posted to General Ledger after posting a Payables Management manual payment if you change the default accounts payable account that has Analytical Accounting information.
  • There are performance issues when exporting a budget with 52 periods and the budget has a large amount of data.
  • If you transfer sales orders to an invoice and then make Analytical Accounting assignments against the invoices, the Analytical Accounting assignments do not update General Ledger.
  • There are performance issues with bank deposits if you are using Analytical Accounting.
  • A message occurs when a purchase order that doesn't have accounts linked to dimension codes is assigned to an invoice in the Purchasing Invoicing Entry window and you save or post the invoice.

Audit Trails

  • An error occurs when you attempt to create a purchase order from a requisition and you are auditing the SY01500 (Company Master) table.
  • There are performance issues when you add new users to Microsoft Dynamics GP if you are using Audit Trails and Collections Management. Collections Management.

Bank Management

  • You can post to a closed period.
  • When you export transactions from the Bank Management Transaction Enquiry/Void window, transactions that have deposit dates and reconciled dates of 00/00/0000 are displayed incorrectly.
  • If you are importing Bank Management transactions and the chequebook and corresponding bank transaction types aren't set up to use cash document numbering, the same record is retrieved continuously.
  • An error occurs if a sales cash receipt is voided from the Receivables Posted Transaction Maintenance window.
  • If you are using the Match to Statement option and have two deposits with the same date and amount, records aren't deleted from the Statement side of the Match Transactions window.
  • An unhandled script exception error occurs when you add a restriction to the CB Tax Analysis query.
  • A message about VAT reports occurs when attempting to post a reconcile transaction to a closed period.
  • When importing transactions, distribution records aren't created.
  • The amounts display as zero when you print a Historical Cashbook report in detail.
  • Duplicate deposit numbers are created in multiuser situations.
  • The Cashbook Transaction Enquiry/Void window displays incorrect transactions based on the period selected.
  • The Apply To button isn't available in the Cash Receipts Entry window.
  • Voiding a Payables Management manual payment doesn't update Bank Management records after upgrading.
  • The Cashbook balance field isn't updating after you change the transaction date in the Bank Management Reconcile window.
  • After upgrading to Release 10.0, bank reconciliation data is corrupt.
  • An error occurs when you attempt to recover a batch in Bank Management.
  • An error occurs when deleting a payment that was imported.
  • The Bank Management Transaction Enquiry/Void window displays incorrect originating amounts for multicurrency bank transfers.

Bank Reconciliation

  • An error occurs when you attempt to open the Checkbooks list from the navigation pane if a currency isn't assigned to a checkbook.
  • After selecting a date and receipt range, it takes a long time for information to display in the Bank Deposit Entry window.
  • An error occurs when you print the Checkbook Balance Inquiry report.

Collections Management

  • Duplicate notes appear on the Aging Amounts with Notes report if you have entered multiple notes for multiple invoices for a customer record.
  • Help topics for Collections Management do not appear in Setup Checklist window.
  • If you run a query against reminder levels, the query includes all invoices, not just the invoices that have that reminder levels.
  • The AllInvoicesDetail function doesn't use the query date range when building letters.
  • An extra field is generated if you are using the @%AllReminderLevelZeroDocuments%@ function when creating Collections
  • Management letters

Field Service

  • The Monthly Price field in the Contract Maintenance – Lines window is rounded rather than displaying the correct price for an item created in the Contract Entry/Update window.
  • If you cancel a contract, the revenue amount isn't reversed correctly.
  • When you enter an RMA (return material authorization), the EXTDCOST and OREXTCST fields in the Sales Transaction
  • Amounts History (SOP30300) table are not being updated correctly.
  • An unhandled script exception error occurs when searching on the Equipid field from the Equipment SmartList.
  • The revenue recognition period totals are calculated incorrectly.
  • An incorrect exchange rate is used after you change the currency ID on a service call.
  • An error occurs when you post a shipment/invoice receipt that has a serialized item.
  • When creating a contract from a Sales Order Processing invoice, posting the invoice takes a long time if the invoice has a serialized line item assigned to it.
  • You can enter a longer item description in Inventory Control and Sales Order Processing than in Field Service.
  • You can't enter a decimal place in the QTY field in the Contract Maintenance – Lines window when the quantity doesn't have decimal places.
  • A new contract does not reflect the maximum percentage increase.
  • In-transit transfers don't have an account for site segments.

Fixed Asset Management

  • If you run a projection, the current depreciation is cleared for fully depreciated assets.

General Ledger

  • There are deadlocking issues with General Ledger posting in multi-user situations.


  • If you use the Inventory Adjust Costs window to adjust a cost that has quantities transferred to different sites, a credit adjustment is created automatically for the transfer to sites, but the cost isn't adjusted at the transfer to sites.
  • Average cost items are updated with a $0.00 unit cost and $0.00 current cost when there are quantity shortage overrides and cost adjustments.
  • The average cost is updated incorrectly because the quantities on hand are incorrect in the Inventory Purchase Receipts (IV10200) table.
  • If you return an average perpetual inventoried item using Purchase Order Returns, the item is returned using the current
  • average cost instead of using the cost on the original receipt.
  • When creating an inventory transaction from a service call, the document type is not in the Inventory Purchase Receipts Detail (IV10201) table.
  • The in use value is a negative value or is a zero value in the Item Lot Number Master (IV00301) table even though you didn't sell the lot-numbered item. If the in use value is a negative value, records with blank lot numbers are created in the IV00301 table. If the in use value is zero, the lot attributes are removed during the inventory year-end closing.
  • A new purchase receipt generated with a date prior to the date on the oldest purchase receipt for the item doesn't affect the average cost correctly.
  • It takes a long time to print the Item Transaction Inquiry Report if you are using a date range and are sorting by date.
  • An additional cost adjustment entry is generated after receiving quantities of an item at the item's source site at a lower cost.


  • If different sites and account segment IDs are assigned to components, the WIP (work in process) Materials account does not balance.
  • If you mark a vendor record in the Vendors list and click Edit, the Manufacturing Order Shipments by Vendor window opens in front of the Vendor Maintenance window.
  • Using serialized items causes negative allocations.
  • Position Numbers are incorrectly incremented when items are added to a super BOM using the Add Items from Option
  • Category option.
  • Two manufacturing orders are generated for an item when the requested ship date is on a down day.
  • Accounts are incorrect when using a stock count adjustment for a standard cost item.
  • An error occurs when attempting to fulfill items multiple times.
  • An incorrect message appears if the starting serial number is manually entered and doesn't match the serial number mask in the Manufacturing Serial Number Pre-Entry window.
  • You can't complete or close a job that has manual transactions linked to it.
  • Issue documents created from an allocate template aren't posted correctly.
  • Duplicate MO receipt numbers are created after opening the Component Transaction Entry window using the Go To button on the Manufacturing Order Receipt Entry window.
  • When an item that has a phantom BOM is changed to a buy item, the picklist displays a phantom item icon. When MRP is regenerated, all picklist demand for this item is ignored.
  • The revenue/expense code summary totals in the Actual Job Expenses window are not updated when the revenue/expense codes on a linked transaction are changed.
  • An error occurs when printing the Sales Order Cross-Reference report.
  • Employee hours aren't calculated correctly with backward scheduling in the CRP/MO Detail window.
  • When entering items in the Sales Item Detail Entry window, the items aren't added to the sales order.
  • Opening the Sales Item Detail Entry window by using a shortcut doesn't update the sales line item.
  • The cost of the Buy item isn't correct for an archived BOM that is a Buy item and outsourcing costs are associated with the Buy item and rolled up.
  • A SQL error occurs if you are running an MRP regeneration and you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
  • The total cost of the Make item is credited in the purchases clearing account instead of the material cost.
  • Journal entries are out of balance when standard cost items are processed for a drop-ship invoice.

Payables Management

  • If you pay a vendor by credit card, a new invoice is created for the credit card vendor. When you void the invoice for the credit card vendor, invalid general ledger distributions are created.
  • If you partially pay an invoice for a vendor that has 1099 amounts and then void the check, the 1099 amounts are negative amounts.
  • Taxes aren't calculated correctly when entering a Payables Management transaction that has tax schedules with more that 25 tax details assigned to them.
  • The Customer Bank Maintenance window and the Vendor Bank Maintenance window are not displaying correct fields.
  • If you change the total purchase amount in the Payables Tax Entry window, the total taxable purchase amount is rounded to the functional currency's decimal places.

Project Accounting

  • You can't build an electronic funds transfer check batch in Payables Management if you have employee expense transactions in Project Accounting.
  • The Billings and Payment inquiry window doesn't display the apply records from the retainer billing.
  • If you are viewing by the originating currency in the Contract Maintenance window, the contract amount is displayed as $0.
  • An error occurs stating that you aren't allowed to exceed the total budget quantity when you are matching an invoice to a posted shipment line item and the budget quantity hasn't been exceeded.
  • If you are using user classes and have posting restrictions for timesheet and expense batches, you can use the Mark All button in the series post window to select all the batches regardless of the security restriction assigned to the class.
  • You are not allowed to have negative actual costs.
  • You can't modify the amount in the Profit Amount field for a cost category in the Budget Maintenance window.
  • When posting by transaction date, the incorrect date is used.
  • The project ID and cost category aren't displayed on a Project Accounting Detail Trial Balance Report for a shipment/invoice that has a non-inventoried item assigned to it.
  • After changing the quantity to return for a TM (time and materials) Return transaction, the work in progress account is incorrect.
  • The revenue recognition amount is calculated incorrectly when two projects with fees are billed on the same invoice.
  • An unhandled script exception error occurs when using the PA Reconcile Utility to reconcile posted billing transactions.
  • Purchase order returns aren't recognized when using the Reconcile Utility Periodic window.
  • The fee amount calculates incorrectly when using a fee that calculates as a percentage of the baseline revenues.
  • If you enter project information in the Purchasing Invoice Entry window, the Tax field isn't available.
  • When using the Reconcile Utility Periodic window for a customer that is a third party billing customer on another project, incorrect changes are made to the billing and cost information for that project.
  • An unhandled script exception error occurs when checking links.
  • You can exceed the budget quantity and cost if the taxes are included on the purchase order.

Purchase Order Enhancements

  • An error occurs when upgrading to Release 10.0 if you are using Purchase Order Enhancements and Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Purchase Order Processing

  • If you use a currency other than the functional currency for a receivings transaction that has an item that tracks lots, the lot splits.
  • If a receivings transaction has a trade discount, the distributions are incorrect because of tax included in price taxes.
  • When you use Tax Included in Price tax details and the item uses a periodic costing method, distributions are calculated incorrectly when receiving the item.
  • When attempting to print a recipient created tax invoice from the Purchasing Invoice Entry window, the report prints blank.
  • If you enter a purchase order return, the quantity returned isn't used in the unit cost calculation when you use the Edit
  • Purchase Order window to close the purchase order.

Receivables Management

  • After changing the batch ID for a saved credit memo, you can change the document type of the document to sales/invoice.
  • After changing the default next number in the Cash Receipts Entry window, the next number in the Receivables Setup
  • Options window is incorrect.
  • A get/change error occurs after you delete a transaction in the Receivables Transaction Entry window and then change the batch ID.
  • The Customer Bank Maintenance window and the Vendor Bank Maintenance window are not displaying correct fields.
  • If the Include Unapplied Credits option is marked in the Assess Finance Charges window, finance charges are not applied to a national account.
  • When reconciling a calendar year for a customer record, a sum range operation error occurs.

Sales Order Processing

  • After posting a Sales Order Processing batch, the General Ledger posting journal has additional distributions that don't pertain to the Sales Order Processing transaction.
  • An error about serial numbers and the item's extended quantity do not balance appears after posting.
  • If you close Microsoft Dynamics GP while the Sales Kit Assembly window is open, data is corrupted.
  • If you are using multiple bins and have line items with markdowns on a sales order, the sales order's extended price is a negative amount when choosing the Fulfill All button in the Sales Order Fulfillment window.
  • The purchase order cost is not transferred to the sales order when receiving a shipment for non-inventoried items.

SmartList Builder

  • If you create a Smartlist using SmartList Builder, the SmartList doesn't show any results.
  • If you discard an unsaved SmartList ID, orphaned records are created in SmartList Builder.
  • The Value field in the Smartlist Builder Add Restriction window doesn't display a value.
  • After linking two or more tables, a SmartList Builder report prints blank.


  • There are selections available for the Printer Class in Named Printers that shouldn't be available.
  • Named Printers is in an infinite loop when using a template user for the company series.
  • Taxes aren't calculated if you've marked Enable Reverse Charge Taxes in the Company Setup Options window.
  • Security is not granted automatically to alternate Microsoft Dynamics GP forms and reports for Project Accounting.
  • A General Ledger Detail Trail Balance report in Reporting Services doesn't display a date when printing by account segment.
  • An unhandled form exception error occurs when opening the Reporting Tools Setup window.
  • An illegal address error occurs when printing a third party report from My Reports on the home page.
  • Pressing F1 in Advanced Security doesn't open a help topic.

United States Payroll

  • If you are sequencing of a tax-sheltered annuities (TSA) deductions, deductions aren't posted to General Ledger, causing transactions to be out of balance.
  • You can't use the process server for any payroll task.
  • Payroll calculation process is slow if the process includes Arizona employees.

Close year tips...

The end of the year is just around the corner. Here are some tips for preparing your GP database for the New Year:

1) Create a backup.
2) Check all of your GL accounts to make sure P&L & BS accounts are set up correctly (otherwise P&L accounts won’t roll to retained earning properly).
3) Close in the appropriate order, generally:
a. Inventory
b. Receivables Mgmt
c. Payables Mgmt
d. Fixed Assets
e. Payroll
f. Any additional products that have close year processes. You will want to consult those product manuals for close year order (i.e., Manufacturing may have a close that occurs before inventory)
g. GL
4) Review each module for special steps related to calendar year close versus fiscal year (if different) such as generating 1099’s in AP or W-2’s in Payroll.

Thursday, November 1, 2007