From the GP 10 documentation:
During normal business operations, thousands of transactions can be processed. When working with this volume of transactions, standard processes might be inadvertently changed or unintended entries made and posted. As a result, the payables or receivables balances on a General Ledger trial balance report might not match the corresponding balance on trial balance reports printed in Payables Management or Receivables Management. Some specific examples might include the following :
• A transaction is posted to—but not through—General Ledger and is deleted before it’s posted in General Ledger.
• A transaction is posted to General Ledger, but the amounts are changed before it’s posted in General Ledger.
Use the Reconcile to GL window to generate a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that can help you match transactions in General Ledger with the originating transactions in Payables Management and Receivables Management. This spreadsheet can provide information that helps you enter adjusting transactions that reconcile any discrepancies.
Transactions are displayed on the spreadsheet using the functional currency. To be included in the spreadsheet, transactions must be posted and exist in either an Open or History table. Transactions also must include distributions to either the Accounts Payable account or Accounts Receivable account, or the Discount Available account in Payables Management or Receivables Management.
The results are categorized as follows: